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Our unique multi modality approach here at The Inner Wild CIC is trauma & polyvagal informed,

neurosequential orientated complex trauma recovery, for people & dogs. 


We are specialist Neuro Developmental Consultants empathically grounded in interpersonal

Functional Developmental Behavioural Neurobiology & Therapeutic Parenting.


We have the knowledge, experience & ability to improve anyone's life with our brain balance approach. 

We use a brain based model of health, neuroanatomy & physiology, utilising multiple therapies.


In essence, we recalibrate the brain & body by addressing the root cause, promoting the adaptability of the brain

& its neuroplasticity- it's ability to change & grow in a sequential way.


An integrative, consilient and coherent blend of bottom up & top down therapeutics

are delivered through a framework of empathy, safety & collaboration by experts in the field

of Trauma healing

Nervous system growth/ development & regulation

 Child Development

 Holistic Wellbeing

& Primal Canine Psychology, Behaviour & Communication.


We guide infants, children, teenagers, adults, seniors & dogs on their journey

from survival challenges & dis ease,

to receptive secure healthy functioning. 


With personal experience of 20 years combined trauma recovery therapy from CPTSD & PTSD,

both Georgia & Jane are professionally & personally qualified, competent

& keen to share their journeys & experience.


The Inner Wild encourages & facilitates healing & wholeness, instead of adaptive fragmentation & coping strategies..

We guide an individual to reach their full potential,

as nature intended, before modern life got in the way.


                  Our Functional Behavioural Developmental Neuroimmunological approach provides successful drug free,

                                                          whole brain- body healing with

                                             scientifically lead proven results for human issues such as-






Birth Trauma ( Infant & mum )

Adoption trauma ( adoptee, mum & adopter )

TBI -Traumatic Brain Injury/ stroke (specialising in hemianestasia/ neglect)

Autonomic Dysfunction


Anger Issues

Developmental Delay

‘Elective mutism’

Chronic Fatigue / ME



Gut issues- IBS, Leaky Gut


Hormonal Imbalance


Eating Disorders


Self Harm

Speech & Language Delay

Visual & Auditory Processing Challenges inc Reading & Writing

Low Tolerance to Stress 

Low/ High tolerance to pain




ADHD ( type 1, 2 & 3 )



Bed Wetting/ Soiling

Sleep Challenges


Tics/ Tremors


‘Menopause’ Symptoms

Chronic Pain

Extreme Shyness

Memory & Cognition Challenges


Bi polar disorder



These are all pathological diagnoses, which serve a purpose in secondary gains,

but they do not have to remain for a lifetime.


Who tells you the root cause of these conditions or can explain what is happening in your brain and body?

Who tells you that they can be improved or healed completely?

We can & do!


By changing/ improving the structure of the brain, we can improve the function of the whole person.


Book a free call to get the answers you require, or even to dispute our claims! 

We have absolute confidence in our work & achievements.


We are passionate to help others discover & unlock their unique essence & wisdom,

that which is in every individual.

It is our purpose & pleasure to guide people & dogs towards health & balance.


We are anti pathological in our approach..

We do not focus on ‘diagnoses’ or ‘labels’ as an explanation for normal & natural trauma responses in life..


The reasoning of "it's genetic, or a genetic mutation" isn't true. Epigenetics can be changed & improved.

We address the symptoms & improve/ heal them,

unlike the current model of illness suppression via drugs & surgeries.


We absolutely do not use or recommend bio hacks of any kind.





Neurodevelopment refers to nature's blueprint for brain development- how the brain & nervous system

are meant to grow & develop over time. 


A complex process beginning at conception, continuing on into adulthood.


This process shapes everything from how we think, how we move & how we cope with our emotions & interact in our world.


When neurodevelopment is disrupted due to genetic factors, environmental influences or lifestyle choices,

it can lead to challenges in areas such as learning, behaviour, posture & emotional regulation.


These challenges can also manifest as

ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Personality Disorders, Anxiety, Depression & so much more..





Specialising in child development, we work with infants from 6 months upwards, recognising developmental delays

such as postural, motor function, speech, language, visual & auditory processing challenges.

We guide them back onto the path of natural development, whilst supporting them &

their families/ primary caregiver in the process.


Nature has a plan, a blueprint for development in our first year of life from conception.

However, often due to a multitude of factors this plan can be disrupted &

become a problem for our emotional & social development,

which can remain with us into adulthood.


Sadly for many children, developmental delays are only addressed/ recognised when they enter the education system,

but teachers are not trained to be able to remediate the problems they see increasing at an exponential rate. 


In fact, due to lack of knowledge regarding child brain- body development and out dated curriculums,

the remedies offered to our children such as intense repetitive practice, exclusion & punishment

are often very traumatic for them..

causing further harm, mentally, emotionally, socially & physically

whilst reinforcing the belief that they are failures & unable to be helped. 


They are NOT failures, they are being failed & they CAN be helped..


We can change the trajectory of your child's development,

giving them the best chance to reach their full potential.


The mainstream education system deals harshly & inappropriately with symptoms such as

poor handwriting, poor spelling, lack of concentration & focus

which leads to diagnoses such as Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, ADHD & Autism,

but it does not address the underlying foundational causes.

We do!


More children than ever are living with anxiety

& we address the root cause of this very simply.


Here at The Inner Wild we work on the fundamentals of brain development to create the neural networks

which are integral for acquiring successful academic skills, communication & behaviour

through biological, emotional & mental safety & balance.


We create strong hemispheric connections, whilst integrating primitive survival mechanisms

which are not yet integrated but are interfering with the child's development, against nature's plan.


Whole brain- body integration, maturation, regulation & balance is achieved.


In addition to our Neuro Developmental Therapy programs, Jane has 25 years experience in Early Years Education

is trauma informed.


She has a wonderful ability to connect with children, exploring their world with them with curiosity & awe

in both the indoor and outdoor therapeutic sessions we provide.


All here at The Inner Wild work from secure attachment & empathic, therapeutic parenting ethos, for both children & dogs.






As we grow older it is generally accepted that our health declines with each year...


We hear time after time "oh, it's normal for my age' or "I'm just getting old"


We don't agree with or advocate this mindset

as we know it is absolutely possible to maintain a high level of health & pain free mobility

well into our twilight years, when we choose to commit to a life of wellbeing.


It is a fact that as we grow older, our unaddressed nervous system immaturity & dysregulation  

 increases, taking its toll on our bodies & minds.


We have always explained that it doesn't 'get better with age', we don't 'grow out of it' ( humans or dogs ).

In fact, it gets worse..


Our mental cognition & memory declines along with our postural strength & stability

but it doesn't have to be that way!


We have supported many older folk to regain their memory function,

one lady had spent a year having tests for dementia,

we brought her to a state of mental clarity in just one session!


We create postural stability, improved gait & improve/ 'cure' arthritis in many folk.


Depression & anxiety is a major factor in the elderly whose lifestyles are often sedentary

& whose connection & stimulation is provided by

the television- a device which is detrimental to a healthy mind.


Let's help & encourage folk to be active & strong in body & mind..



Tell them we CAN improve their lives drug free..



 â€‹How does this approach work for dogs? 

In the same way as it does for people!




Functional Behavioural Developmental Neuroimmunology Consults & Programmes

Neurological development is essential for us to reach our full potential in life, emotionally, socially & physiologically. Neurological Development Therapy enables development of the nervous system to be restarted, for it to be given a chance to continue growth. As a result,  this leads to reduced anxiety, improved emotional regulation, greater ease of learning and better motor control & coordination to name just a few of the wonderful results this incredible brain balancing therapy provides.


NDT successfully supports & benefits children, teenagers & adults with experience of- 


In Utero/ birth trauma

Developmental delays 



Sensory Processing Disorders





Traumatic Brain Injury ( TBI )

Speech & language delays



Anger Issues


Eating Disorders


Integrated Psychodynamic Therapy

‘The thoughts and feelings we have about ourselves affect how we communicate & the way we communicate affects our relationships and well being…’


Our integrated therapist specialises in trauma, working with a multi tool box approach inc Psychodynamic Therapy, Transactional Analysis, Gestalt, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy ( CBT ), Hypnotherapy & Neurological Development Therapy.


Psychotherapy is an in depth approach to examine and reconstruct the psyche to a healthy state, making sense of the past & present to create a healthy existence in the now & for the future.

NLP Practitioner, Certified Life Guide & Wellness Advocate Programmes

Neuro Linguistic Programming sessions & Certified Life Guide/ Coaching & Wellness Programs help you innerstand the language of the mind which creates programs of emotion, behaviour & thoughts which we run in our lives. 


We support you in your life to reframe unwanted, unhelpful or unwarranted thoughts or behaviours which are not serving you positively in the present.


Examples of the benefits-


Releasing limiting beliefs/ decisions which are stopping you from reaching your full potential

Resolving fears & phobias

Resolving unwanted habits

Releasing past traumas & the negative emotions attached to them

Reframing of thoughts which creates clarity & peace of mind


The life changing & enhancing results being achieved here are on another level according to my mentor, an NLP Master Practitioner of 30 years.


Not just ‘doing NLP’ but ‘being’ the Guide others need to connect to themselves, whilst helping them to navigate life through my own experience, authenticity & love.


Examples of Metaphysical healing achieved-


Cessation of Psoriasis

Cessation of Migraines

Cessation of insomnia

Cessation of nail biting

Cessation of arthritic pain

Cessation of constipation

Weight Loss

No need for antidepressants

Cessation of back & hip pain

Cessation of body odour/ excess sweating



Mindfulness, Therapeutic Parenting & Hypnotherapy

Here at The Inner Wild, we all live our daily lives from a place of mindfulness, being present in every moment & always with a natural curiosity & awe of life. We encourage & support those we connect & work with to explore this way of ‘being’.


When working with children & their families, we work towards a secure attachment approach to communicate with empathy & connection, whilst finding resolve to the presenting challenges.  



Our Hypnotherapy sessions are very successful, whether to create & support a new perspective or to let go of something which is not serving you.

Nature/ Eco Therapy

Mental, emotional & spiritual connection with nature, serves as a form of intrinsic eco psychology for healing. Tune your senses, to reduce the volume of your inner thoughts whilst working at nervous system level to bring balance & healing.


We tailor these sessions for your individual needs offering them for 1- 1s, groups,, families,, children, couples & corporate/ work events. 

Firewalking & Glasswalking 

.Firewalking & Glasswalking can be tailored specifically to fit your needs whether as part of a trauma/ therapy session or booked for a corporate/ business/ charity event. There are many options but all will be shaped with your goal in mind.


These sessions are for personal empowerment as well as emotional, mental & spiritual growth.


We have 2 options-

​A Breath Power Instructor will take you on a guided journey of self discovery for trauma release. 

An incredibly profound experoence.


A breathwork instructor of 30 years is available for group sessions or 1- 1s

​Health benefits of breath work include-

Stronger respiratory function

More time in deep sleep

Balanced blood pressure

Reduction of PTSD & feelings associated with trauma

Stronger immune system

The dispersal of stress hormones from your body

Clarity of mind

And so much more…

Drumming Therapy

Group Sessions or 1-1's

The benefits of Drumming Therapy are-


Stress reduction

Immune system booster

Deeper awareness

Access to parts of the brain for healing & mindfulness

Connection with nature, a spiritual source or higher power

It’s also so much fun!

See, Nurture, Heal Your…


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